Shields, Jenne - 1st Grade / Welcome to First Grade


Ms. Lafferty

My Email:

Our Specials Schedule: 

Monday: Library (10:45-11:30) (Please remember to bring back books)

Tuesday: Music (1:55-2:45)

Wednesday: Computers (1:55-2:45)

Thursday: Gym (9:15-10:00) *Please bring gym uniform!*

Art Express: January 16th & January 30th




*Important Dates*

1/23: School Houses Due!

1/24: Eagles Dress Down Day

1/26: Beginning of Catholic Schools Week

1/26: Book Fair Begins

1/28: Breakfast for Lunch

1/29: Open House Activity- 1:30 in classroom

1/31: Senior Friends Day

1/31: 12pm Dismissal

2/14: Happy Valentine’s Day!

2/17: No School- Presidents’ Day

2/25: K-2 Liturgy





Homework for 1/20-1/24 

Please make sure to initial your child’s homework each night. Our reading, spelling, and religion tests are every Friday.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Math Math Sheet 7.2 Math Sheet 7.3
Vocabulary No School Verbs worksheet Incomplete vs Complete Sentences Worksheet Fixing Sentences Worksheet No Homework- Have a great weekend!
Religion Study for religion assessment  Study for religion assessment  Study for religion assessment  Study for religion assessment
Reminders: __________________
Pencil boxes are sent home to be sharpened every week!


Catholic Schools Week (1/27-1/31):

Monday: Students will reflect on the importance of Kindness, Being Respectful, and Working Hard. Our book fair time slot will be from 9:45-10:15 today, and we have an assembly from Parker Jones at 1:30.

Tuesday: Students will enjoy a Pajama Dress Down Day, breakfast for lunch, and a fun game of Bingo with our prayer partners at 1:30. No homework for tonight!

Wednesday: Patriotic Dress Down Day, Our open house activity is at 1:30. Students will also decorate an American Flag and will write why they are proud to be an American.

Thursday: Students will reflect on the gifts they have been given by God and consider the vocation they may be called to as they grow older.

Friday: 12pm dismissal, our “Senior Friends” show will take place at 10:00 in the gym.


IXL Games for this week:

Math Games: 

Balloon Pop (Subtraction) 

Drop Sum (Making 10) 

Marble Math (Addition) 

Number Bubble (Counting to 100)

ELA Games: 

Alphabats (Rhyming Words) 

Fun Factory (Capitalization & Punctuation) 

Monster Mansion (Letter Sounds) 

Adventure Man (Vowels & Consonants)


As a reminder, pretzels are now .75 cents

Lunch Schedule:

Mondays: Pudge’s Cheesesteak: $6.50 | Turkey Hoagie: $6.00

Tuesdays: Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich- $5.50

Wednesday: Shake Shack Cheese Burger- $7.00

Thursday: Chick-Fil-A 8 Count Nuggets: $5.50

Friday: Pizza- $2.50 per slice

Counter: Chips and Cookies- $0.75, Ice Cream- $1.25 (Chipwich $2.25), Water & Apple Juice- $0.50


Class List: 

Boys: Girls:
Scott Baran Charlotte Bigelow
Aly Burrows Farrah Forish
Tino Carannante Mackenzie Garretson
Austin Dobbins Julia McAlonan
John Drozdowski Grace Morano
Brooks Lombardo Joci Poblete
Will Loughery Margot Sinclair
Luke Ruina
Nicholas Whitman
Mason Yun
Anthony Zazworskey