Week of February 18, 2025

                                                                               Hello everyone!!

Welcome to PreK-3 at Saint Helena School! This website will keep you updated on what we are learning each week in PreK-3, as well as important events happening in the classroom and in the school.

My Email: hkrebs@sainthelenaschool.org  

Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns!

 Parents, please remember to send your children into school each day with the proper coat, gloves, and a hat.  We will be going outside everyday!

Dates to remember:

Friday, February 7th – PreK3 Eagles Superbowl Party; wear your GREEN; we will provide pizza and treat at lunch!

Thursday, February 13th – Vision Screening; Classroom Valentine Party

Friday, February 14th – Happy Valentine’s Day; Classroom Treat

Monday, February 17th – NO SCHOOL; President’s Day

THEME OF THE WEEK: Art All Around Us


BOOKS OF THE WEEK: “Never Let A Unicorn Scribble”, “Too Loud Lilly”, “Harold and The Purple Crayon”, “White Rabbit’s Color Book”

MATH: Sets and Patterns

SCIENCE: Investigating Materials

SOCIAL STUDIES: Cultural Awareness

RELIGION: God Made Little Things

PRAYERS WE SAY EACH DAY: Bless us oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from Thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. Amen”.

“Thank you, God, for giving us today.  Be with us in all we do and say.  Amen”

Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Lovely Lady….

We will say the “Pledge of Allegiance” each morning and we will sing “You’re A Grand Old Flag”

Star Student


9/30 – Oliver Zubert

10/7 – Ryan Williams

10/21 – Riley Whitney

11/4 – Teddy Tuman

11/11 – Eve Tichy

11/18 – Teddy Sohns

12/2 – Tallula McGrath

12/9 – Gideon Kuttner

1/13 – Rory Fitzgerald

2/3 – Vail Forish

2/17 – Massimo Eisenhart

2/24 – Mallory Crawford

3/10 – Xavier Compton-Bain

3/17 – Elisa Fratamico

3/24 – Winter Araujo

3/31 – Bria Kennedy

4/7 – Noah Elliott






 **Please check the school calendar regularly.  There may be changes to the calendar that you need to be aware of!    **St. Helena now collects box tops.  Please ask your families to save their box tops to benefit our school.  You can put them in your child’s folder. Thank you!