Students may purchase the following stationery items at the store of their choice. 

Please bring all supplies in on the first day of school.


Zipper pencil case

Dry Erase Markers (1 pack)

Numerous #2 pencils (sharpened)

2 pink rubber erasers

Art box (clear, shoe box size) name labeled

Box of magic markers (8-count)

Box of crayons (24-count)

2 Elmer’s Large Glue Sticks

Bottle of Elmer’s or Crayola Liquid Glue

Art smock or tee shirt with name labeled

1 activity or coloring book

2 silent reading books

2 Clorox wipes

2 Boxes of tissues

Towel with name labeled

12 inch / centimeter Ruler

Headphones for computers with name labeled