Students may purchase the following stationery items at the store of their choice.
Please bring all supplies in on the first day of school.
1 Multi-pocket accordion folder (carry to and from school)
1 Pencil case
1 Highlighter
1 12 inch/centimeter ruler
4 Blue or black pens (no fountain pens)
2 Red pens
6 #2 pencils with erasers
1 Pack of loose leaf paper (white with holes and wide ruled) for home use
1 School calculator (if not previously purchased)
1 Art box (with crayons, markers, scissors, glue stick or white glue, colored pencils, and Scotch tape)
1 Ultra fine tip black Sharpie marker
1 Compass
2 3 prong plastic pocket folders
1 *Binder with loose leaf for ELA and Social Studies
1 -2 expo markers(math)
2 Box of Tissues, *2 rolls of paper towels, *1 package of Lysol wipes