As you know we use One Call Now to notify families by phone for emergency school information and weekly emails. We have entered ONLY one primary home phone number and one primary email address. If you would like to enter additional phone numbers (i.e. cell phone numbers, work phones numbers) you may do so. Also if you would like additional email addresses (i.e. father’s work, mother’s work, care- giver) you may do that as well. You may enter three additional phone numbers and three additional email addresses.
It is important to have these other numbers and emails registered so that you will receive your notification. As mentioned earlier, this is our only way of communicating with you when an emergency surfaces. Several people asked us to enter additional numbers or email addresses and we are unable to do that and we ask that you take on that responsibility.
Please use the link below to One Call Now.
Our purpose in doing this is for your child’s safety and well being. We greatly appreciate your cooperation of this venture.
Please be careful not to “opt out” of One Call Now – legally, they have to ask this on every email. Once you choose to “opt out” it is very difficult to place you in the system again. All important and emergency information goes through “One Call Now.”