Johns Hopkins Scholars
The following 8th Grade Students have qualified as Johns Hopkins Scholars!
The criteria to be named as a Johns Hopkins Scholar is earning a 95% or above in a normed standardized test. The test used at SHS is the Terra Nova Test, produced by McGraw Hill Company. The qualifying children achieved at or above 95%, which indicated that they scored in the top five percent of the nation. We are so very proud of their accomplishments.
Alex Banmiller, Eva Bones, CeeCee Cherico, Liam Dougherty,
Brandon Giampalmi, Ava Hoffman, Tommy Hutton, Chris Janssen
Lona Bella Krebs, Drew Krumenacker, Ryan Krumenacker,
Megan Maransky, Ryan Marler, Kylie McFadden, Grace Niekelski
Brendan Pierlott, Aidan Rietzke, Gabby Rolley, Chloe Routt
Katie Shapiro, Lily Stack, Maddie Tronoski, Jack Wagner
Charlotte Zulick
While making this announcement, we want to recognize and name the most recent teachers who have been involved on the lives of these students and have helped them achieve this amazing level of success!
Mrs. Rene Ryan, Mrs. Colette Dougherty, Mrs. Kathie Bonner, Mrs. Denise Rose Britt, Mrs. Kerri Sepich, Mrs. Becky Wagner and Mrs. Karen Holder.
From all of us at Saint Helena we congratulations and honor these students and their teachers!